Alphabetical Catalog of Knitting Stitch Patterns

Select an image or a stitch name link to view a detail of the pattern for the stitch including a larger image.

NameThumb Image# of stitches per repeat# of rows per repeatCategory
Karen13 stitches plus 1 stitch 8 rowseyelet
Karksi 118 stitches18 rowsEstonian mitten
Karksi 234 stitches34 rowsEstonian mitten
Key and Basket16 stitches plus 3 stitches 32 rows plus 1 rowtwo color mosaic
Keys 112 stitches plus 13 stitches 26 rowslace
Keys 28 stitches plus 9 stitches 28 rowslace
King Charles Brocade12 stitches plus 1 stitch 12 rowsknit purl
Kites8 stitches plus 1 stitch 22 rowslace
Kiwi14 stitches plus 1 stitch 12 rowslace
Knit And Moss Blocks10 stitches plus 5 stitches 14 rowsknit purl
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