Colors A and B.
Cast on with Color A.
Repeat Rows 1 - 12
Row #SideColorRepeat
1WAInsert needle into first stitch knitwise and wrap yarn twice around point of needle, then knit the stitch; k3
2RBk3; slip 1 wyib dropping the extra wrap
3WBsl 1 wyif, p3
4RBk3, sl 1 wyib
5WBsl 1 wyif, p3
6RASlip 3 stitches to right-hand needle, drop next (color A) stitch off left-hand needle to front. Slip the same 3 stitches back to the left-hand needle, pick up dropped stitch and knit it; k3
7WAk3; insert needle into first stitch knitwise and wrap yarn twice around point of needle, then knit the stitch
8RBSlip 1 wyib dropping the extra wrap; k3
9WBp3, sl 1 wyif
10RBsl 1 wyib, k3
11WBp3, sl 1 wyif
12RASlip first (color A) stitch off needle and leave at front, k3, then pick up dropped stitch and knit it
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