Faux Crochet

Multiple of 2 stitches


Repeat Rows 1 - 6.

Row #SideColorBegin RowRepeatRepeat From *End Row
1R-sl 1*p1, k1*p1
2W-sl 1*p1, k1* 
3R-sl 1, p1*yo, sl 1-k1-psso* 
4R-sl 1*bind off until there is only one stitch on the left-hand needle, p1* 
5W-sl 1, p1*P2w*k1
6R-k2-tog (dropping the extra loop*(dropping the extra loops) p1, k1*p1

  Additional Instructions and Notes
At the end of row 4, there will be three loops on the needle: one at the beginning and two at the end
Pick up 2 wrap twice (P2w)inserting the needle from front to back and wrap the yarn around twice, pull the loop through; insert the needle into the next hole from back to front, wrap the yarn twice and pull the loop through


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