Cable and Lace 2

Multiple of 20 stitches


Repeat rows 1 - 28

Row #SideColorBegin RowRepeatRepeat From *End Row
1R-*p1, k2, yo, ssk, k2-tog, yo, k2, p2, C2R, C2L, p1* 
2W-*k1, p8, k2, p8, k1* 
3R-*p1, k2, yo, ssk, k2-tog, yo, p2, k8, p1* 
4W-*k1, p8, k2, p8, k1* 
5R-*p1, k2, yo, ssk, k2-tog, yo, k2, p2, C2R, C2L, p1* 
6W-*k1, p8, k2, p8, k1* 
7R-*p1, k2, yo, ssk, k2-tog, yo, p2, k8, p1* 
8W-*k1, p8, k2, p8, k1* 
9R-*p1, k2, yo, ssk, k2-tog, yo, k2, p2, C2R, C2L, p1* 
10W-*k1, p8, k2, p8, k1* 
11R-*p1, k2, yo, ssk, k2-tog, yo, p2, k8, p1* 
12W-*k1, p8, k2, p8, k1* 
13R-*p1, k2, yo, ssk, k2-tog, yo, k2, p2, C2R, C2L, p1* 
14W-*k1, p8, k2, p8, k1* 
15R-*p1, C2R, C2L, p2, k2, yo, ssk, k2-tog, yo, k2, p1* 
16W-*k1, p8, k2, p8, k1* 
17R-*p1, k8, p2, k2, yo, ssk, k2-tog, yo, k2, p1* 
18W-*k1, p8, k2, p8, k1* 
19R-*p1, C2R, C2L, p2, k2, yo, ssk, k2-tog, yo, k2, p1* 
20W-*k1, p8, k2, p8, k1* 
21R-*p1, k8, p2, k2, yo, ssk, k2-tog, yo, k2, p1* 
22W-*k1, p8, k2, p8, k1* 
23R-*p1, C2R, C2L, p2, k2, yo, ssk, k2-tog, yo, k2, p1* 
24W-*k1, p8, k2, p8, k1* 
25R-*p1, k8, p2, k2, yo, ssk, k2-tog, yo, k2, p1* 
26W-*k1, p8, k2, p8, k1* 
27R-*p1, C2R, C2L, p2, k2, yo, ssk, k2-tog, yo, k2, p1* 
28W-*k1, p8, k2, p8, k1* 

  Additional Instructions and Notes
C2RSlip 2 stitches to cable needle and hold in back. K2, then k2 from cable needle.
C2LSlip 2 stitches to cable needle and hold in front. K2, then k2 from cable needle.
k2-togKnit 2 stitches together. Results in a right leaning decrease of one stitch
sskSlip, slip, knit - Slip two stitches to right-hand needle. Then slip the two stitches back to the left-hand needle (this should be done so that the part of the stitch loop that was in front of the needle is now behind the needle, i.e., a quarter rotation of the stitch). Knit the 2 stitches together through the back loop. Results in a left leaning decrease of one stitch
k; pKnit on right side rows; purl on wrong side rows
p; kPurl on right side rows; knit on wrong side rows


Row: 28  
  Row: 27
Row: 26  
  Row: 25
Row: 24  
  Row: 23
Row: 22  
  Row: 21
Row: 20  
  Row: 19
Row: 18  
  Row: 17
Row: 16  
  Row: 15
Row: 14  
  Row: 13
Row: 12  
  Row: 11
Row: 10  
  Row: 9
Row: 8  
  Row: 7
Row: 6  
  Row: 5
Row: 4  
  Row: 3
Row: 2  
  Row: 1

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